by the way: if you like to book sarah as a model, please do not hesitate to contact naughty gina and the dirty handcuffs! hahahaha here you go sarah :D
Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010
you are somewhere in the attic looking something close to tragic
today I went to bern with sarah and we had such a good time! actually we spent the whole afternoon at starbucks (yaaaaay)! but still we managed to take some photos of our outfits (I'm reeeeally glad people around us didn't gawped at us like we were idiots..;))

Montag, 27. Dezember 2010
these boots are made for walking
belated merry christmas!
square meets leather!
Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010
birthday outfit :)
that's what I wore yesterday! the pictures aren't that good (I look like a stiff) but it was night sooo actually I don't care! :) I really love my shirt (thaaaanks topshop! lol)
so now I'm almost in a hurry cause I'm going out for dinner with some friends and afterwards having a drink in a bar (well kind of)! it's going to be fun, hipp hipp hurra!
Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010
birthdays are perfect days!
PERFECT DAY! yes, yes and yes! it was like from zero to hero, no just kidding, but really, I had such a lovely day (I guess birthday is always brilliant but anyway)! actually my day started really calmly and was kind of relaxing till 4pm when my grandparents from italy and just an an hour or so later my friends arrived! :) obviously fromt that moment on it wasn't calm which was good, cause the whole day chilling would've been way too much! :) we really had a great time and a laugh! I got such lovely gifts and my favourite birthday dinner (pizza, tiramisu and hazelnut cake with cream in the middle, yummie!! oh and one friend baked another cake so we had a chocolate one either! :D) as a result I'm sooooo stuffed now but who cares, it was a perfect birthday day!

chocolate cake, my mums hand and my sisters one! :)
chocolate cake, my mums hand and my sisters one! :)
by the way cheers for the lovely birthday messages, I really appreciate it! :)
now birthday is already over but hey next one is coming soon and of course way sooner is CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAS, lovely huh? :)
Montag, 20. Dezember 2010
gold gold gold
Samstag, 18. Dezember 2010
baby, it's cold outside!
What a lovely day! Even though it was freezing (really my body was trembling for quite a while cause it was soo chilly), I had a lot of fun taking some photos. Well actually as you can see, the photographer wasn't me but Nic, who's kind of a mate and also interested in photography and blogging (guess that's why he asked me to be "the model" (oh goosh sounds sooo weird, lol) :)) He got his own blog, which is definitely worthwhile and not like all those usual ones (like mine, lol) so check it out:
He took way more pictures, but of course I don't want to post all of them so here's just a selection! I hope you like it :)

He took way more pictures, but of course I don't want to post all of them so here's just a selection! I hope you like it :)
Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010
oh yes!
hipp hipp hurra!!!!! I finally got my iPhone 4!!!! yay I'm so excited about it! It just needs to get installed and synchronised and then I can use my baby ;) really, that's such a pleasure, especially because I'm a little ill (not seriously but it's kind of annoying anyway!). need to get 100% fit asap because the next weekend is supposed going to be really lovely (meeting friends, maybe buying some furniture for my room, taking some pictures..brilliant, huh? lol) oh by the way the first picture is kind of a "todays outfit photo", I bought the belt in a second-hand shop in london and I just love it!
Montag, 13. Dezember 2010
get inside their clothes with my green gloves!
(by the way, mine are all from London!)
back in town again! had an amazing time in london! guess I'm gonna miss lots of things but of course being home is lovely! the last couple of days were kind of really busy, that I totally forgot taking some outfit pictures, but I'll take some the next days (as long as I find something to wear in my chaotic room! (it is just me or is unpacking a real torture? lol
Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2010
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