PERFECT DAY! yes, yes and yes! it was like from zero to hero, no just kidding, but really, I had such a lovely day (I guess birthday is always brilliant but anyway)! actually my day started really calmly and was kind of relaxing till 4pm when my grandparents from italy and just an an hour or so later my friends arrived! :) obviously fromt that moment on it wasn't calm which was good, cause the whole day chilling would've been way too much! :) we really had a great time and a laugh! I got such lovely gifts and my favourite birthday dinner (pizza, tiramisu and hazelnut cake with cream in the middle, yummie!! oh and one friend baked another cake so we had a chocolate one either! :D) as a result I'm sooooo stuffed now but who cares, it was a perfect birthday day!


angela, gina, martina!

chocolate cake, my mums hand and my sisters one! :)
by the way cheers for the lovely birthday messages, I really appreciate it! :)
now birthday is already over but hey next one is coming soon and of course way sooner is CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAS, lovely huh? :)
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