Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011


fiiiiiinallllyyyyy! I was so busy the last couple of days that I just hadn't time to blog something! I didn't even had enough time to take some photos of my ouftfits (alright quite a few weren't spectacular cause I wasn't in the mood to dress up for work but anyway)! hope I'll manage to blog and take pictures more often the next days!

as you can see I've posted some maxi dresses! it's definitely my favourite piece of clothing this spring / summer! I'm still in love with my maxi dress from last season, but I guess I have to buy some new ones as well, cause you can never ever have enough maxi dresses! thanks god I'm going to london and stockholm before spring so I can buy loads of maxi dresses there! :) long live the maxi dresses, hipp hipp hurra!


all dresses are available on the asos webpage!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Was du geisch uf Stockholm u London? bisch doch erscht grad z London gsie?^^! i wet o :(

  2. hihi ja zerscht goni mitere super kollegin nach stockholm u när e wuche spöter oder so nach london go mini hostfamily bsueche!:)

  3. -.- hach!! eifersüchtig!<3

  4. hihi, i wirde iversüchtig si weni die coole lüt in stockholm und london gseh!! i gloub die hei der stiu scho vo geburt a im bluet! :) see you soon then! <3
